Elmhurst College students have been active in learning
and discovering new mathematical information, techniques, and applications.
Elmhurst College has a long history of student participation in the Mathematics
Division of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area Student Spring
Symposium, local seminars, and national meetings.
1979 David Spooner "Walking in the
rain" - Merit of Excellence
1979 David Hamann "More Probabilities
in Proofreading"
1980 D. Hamann and D. Spooner "Boundary
Value Problems and Solar Energy"
1981 Cathy Carbonaro "More on Pinochle"
1981 Beverly Saltz "Coin Tossing
and Probability" - Merit of Excellence
1981 Paul Rudnik, "The Determination
of an Angle-Dependent Function to be used to Approximate Cellular Cross-Sectional
1981 Robert Urbane "Seven Game Series
in Sports"
1982 Donna Walters "The Scheduling
Problem" - Merit of Excellence
1984 Fardad Serry "Fractals"
-Merit of Excellence
1986 Gerry Flanigan "The Teapot
1988 LisaMarie Nicolosi "The Tower
of Hanoi"
1988 Michelle DiPaolis, Lorelei Purdy,
and Gail Scheuerman, "An Analysis of the Game Monopoly"
1988 Robert Hendrix and Blaine Krage
"The Game of Battleship"
1989 Bill Richter, "Computer Simulation
of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos"
1990 Sandra Gough, "Coding Thoery:
BCH Codes"
1990 Donna Peers, "Group Theory Through
Card Shuffling"
1990 Kirk Rowe, "To Flip a Coin"
1991 Mark Dobner, "The Intermediate
Value Property"
1992 Jonathan Caforio, "The Essence
of Visual Geometry and its Relationship to Algebra"
1993 Emmi Connell, "Happy Numbers"
1993 Robert Burnham and Stephen Krug,
"The Theoretical Concept Concerning the Verification of the Braess Paradox"
1993 Michael Callahan, "The Runge-Lenz
Vector: Applications to Rutherford Scattering" (In Physics)
1997 Brian Sievers, "Combustion,
Premixed and Diffusion flames"
1997 MaryBeth Lake, "Just-About-Right
In 1990, Donna Peers presented her paper,
"Group Theory Through Card Shuffling," at the Pi Mu Epsilon National meeting
in Columbus, Ohio.
In 1991, Mark Dobner presented his paper, "The Intermediate Value Property,"
at the Pi Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honorary meeting in Orono, Maine.
He was one of eight award winners from among the 48 papers presented at
the meeting.
In 1997, Carrie J. Eschenbrenner presented her paper, "Orlik-Solomon Algebras
and Tutte Polynomials, " at the Annual American Mathematical Society Meeting
in San Diego, California.
In 1998, MaryBeth Lake presented her paper, "Just-About-Right Scales, "
at the Pi Mu Epsilon National meeting in Toronto, Ontario.
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Mathematics Department Homepage
Last modified: June 1998 by Jon L.