Elmhurst College

Departments of Mathematics,
Physics, and Computer Science
and Information Systems
Seminar Series -- Spring 2012

*Feb. 29 Dr. Jon Johnson, Elmhurst College
"Problems in Geometry"

Mar. 7 Dr. Stephen Lovett, Wheaton College
"When Does the Curvature Function Define a Closed Curve?"

Mar. 14 Dr. Andrew Shulman, University of Illinois at Chicago and Elmhurst College
"Partition Theory: Going Beyond Integers to General Groups"

Mar. 21 No seminar talk this week. (Spring Break)

Mar. 27 No seminar talk this week. The ACCA talk is on Tuesday. Location TBA.
(Tuesday) Dr. Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
5:00pm "Ramanujan's Life and Notebooks"
6:00pm Dinner and conversation
7:00pm "Ramanujan's Lost Notebook"
Contact Dr. Paul Bialek at Trinity International University for more information.

*Apr. 4 Matthew Graff, Northwestern University
"Life After Elmhurst: Biomechanics and the Rat Whisker System"

Apr. 11 Dr. Bill Muellner, Elmhurst College
"Some Numerical Method Techniques"

Apr. 18 Dr. Evans Afenya and Nathan Selling, Elmhurst College
"Research at the Interface of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, and
Pharmacy: Perspectives and Challenges."

Apr. 25 Dr. Katherine Heller, North Central College
"Continued Fractions"

*May 3 (Thursday) Senior Paper Presentations as part of the Elmhurst College
Research and Performance Showcase

*May 9 Senior Paper Presentations- Note: This session will go from 3:30 - 5:00
and be in Room 113 of Daniels Hall.

All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of Daniels Hall in Room 213, unless
otherwise noted. Talks marked with an * are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please
contact Dr. Abigail Hoit at 630-617-3414 or at abigailh@elmhurst.edu for more information or if you would like
to give a talk next semester.

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