Elmhurst College

Department of Mathematics & Department of Physics
Seminar Series -- Spring 2008

Feb. 20 - Physics Department Candidate

Feb. 27 - Dr. Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University
5 p.m. & 7 p.m. "Simpson's Paradox and graph theory"

Mar. 5 - Dr. Jon L. Johnson, Elmhurst College
"Doodles, counting, and curves"

Mar. 12 - Professor Erich Hauenstein, College of DuPage
"Exploring Chaos and Fractals as they occur in Newton's Method"

Mar. 19 - Dr. David Schmitz, North Central College
"Inverse preserving functions"

Mar. 26 - Spring Break - (No Seminar)

Apr. 2 - Dr. John Jeffrey, Elmhurst College
"Utilizing Graph-Theoretic Models and Algorithms for Compiler Code

Apr. 9 - Dr. David Rutschman, Northeastern Illinois University
"Math and Biology in my life"

* Apr. 16 - Dr. Steve Condie, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
"Some Mathematics That You Should Have Learned In High School"

* Apr. 23 - Dr. Allen Rogers, Elmhurst College
"An introduction to inequalities via Cauchy, Bunyakovskii, and Schwarz"

* Apr. 30 - Dr. Steven Jordan, University of Illinois -Chicago & Elmhurst College
"Sums of squares: Diophantus, Lagrange, Ramanujan, and more"

May 8 - (THURSDAY) Senior Paper Presentations as part of the
Elmhurst College Research and Performance Showcase

May 14 - Senior Paper Presentations, followed by the Spring BBQ in Wilder Park.

All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Computer Science and Technology Center in Room 213, unless otherwise indicated. Everyone is invited to refreshments preceding the talks from 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the second floor lounge. Talks marked with an * are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please contact Prof. Jon Johnson at 630-617-3571 or at jonj@elmhurst.edu for more information or if you would like to give a talk.

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