Department of
Mathematics & Department of Physics
Seminar Series -- Spring
Feb. 20 -
Physics Department Candidate
Feb. 27
Dr. Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University
5 p.m. & 7
"Simpson's Paradox and graph theory"
Mar. 5
Dr. Jon L. Johnson, Elmhurst College
"Doodles, counting, and curves"
Mar. 12
Professor Erich Hauenstein, College of DuPage
"Exploring Chaos and Fractals as they occur in Newton's Method"
Mar. 19
Dr. David Schmitz, North Central College
"Inverse preserving functions"
Mar. 26
Spring Break - (No Seminar)
Apr. 2
Dr. John Jeffrey, Elmhurst College
Graph-Theoretic Models and Algorithms for Compiler Code
Apr. 9
Dr. David Rutschman, Northeastern Illinois University
"Math and Biology
in my life"
* Apr. 16
Dr. Steve Condie, Illinois Mathematics and
Science Academy
Mathematics That You Should Have Learned In High School"
* Apr. 23
Dr. Allen Rogers, Elmhurst College
"An introduction to
inequalities via Cauchy, Bunyakovskii, and Schwarz"
* Apr. 30
Dr. Steven Jordan, University of Illinois -Chicago & Elmhurst College
"Sums of squares: Diophantus,
Lagrange, Ramanujan, and more"
May 8
(THURSDAY) Senior Paper Presentations as
part of the
Elmhurst College Research and Performance Showcase
May 14
Senior Paper
Presentations, followed by the Spring BBQ in Wilder Park.
All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of
the Computer Science and Technology Center in Room 213, unless
otherwise indicated. Everyone is invited to refreshments preceding the talks
from 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the second floor lounge. Talks marked with an *
are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please contact Prof.
Jon Johnson at 630-617-3571 or at jonj@elmhurst.edu for more
information or if you would like to give a talk.
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