Elmhurst College
Departments of
Physics, and
Computer Science
Seminar Series -
Spring 2005
March 9 - Dr.
Catherine Crawford, Elmhurst College
Tricks and Mathematical Maps"
Mar 16 - Dr.
John Jeffrey, Elmhurst College
March 23 - Spring
March 30 - Dr. Jim Dauer, Elmhurst College
Uses for Genetic Search Algorithms"
April 6 - Dr. Rich Neapolitan,
Northeastern Illinois University
*April 13 - Dr. Allen Rogers,
Elmhurst College
"A Geometric Approach to
Concepts in Complex Variables with The Geometer's Sketchpad"
April 20 - Dr. Rich Schultz, Elmhurst College
"Using Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) for Diverse Applications"
April 27 - Mr. Mike Baker,
Motorola, Inc.
"Mathematical Modeling for
Cellular and Wireless LAN Communication Systems"
May 4 - Senior Paper Presentations
(Research &
Performance Showcase)
All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of
the Computer Science and Technology Center in Room 213, unless
otherwise indicated. Everyone is invited to a tea preceding the talks
from 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the second floor lounge. Talks marked with an *
are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please contact Prof.
Evans Afenya at 630-617-3572 or at evansa@elmhurst.edu for more
information or if you would like to give a talk.
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