Elmhurst College

Departments of Mathematics & Physics
Seminar Series - Spring 2003

February 26 - Paul Voss (Northwestern University)
"A CAT-Scan for Ultra-Weak Light"

March 5 - Tom Sawyer (Elmhurst College)
"Meta-Analysis: Cumulating Research in Psychology"

*March 12 - Erich Hauenstein (College of Dupage)
"A Brief Look at Deterministic Chaos and Fractal Imagery in the Application of Newton's Method"

March 19 - Jeff Beck (Northwestern University)
"Modeling Solid Flame Microstructure"

March 26 - No Seminar - Spring Break

*April 2 - Student Practice Talks for the ACCA Symposium

April 9 - Laura Ritter (Northwestern University)
"Initiation of Free-Radical Polymerization Waves"

April 16 - Jon Johnson (Elmhurst College)
"Advanced Analytic Geometry"

*April 23 - James Dauer (Elmhurst College)
"Two All Beef Patties, Special Sauce, and a Genetic Search Algorithm"

April 30 - Senior Paper Presentations

May 7 - Senior Paper Presentations
Math/Physics Department Cookout after the presentations in Wilder Park

All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-4:50 p.m. on the second floor of the Computer Science and Technology Center in Room 213 (except those indicating otherwise). Everyone is invited for refreshments preceding the talks from 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the second floor lounge. Talks marked with an * are especially appropriate for a general audience. Any announcements or changes can be found at http://math.elmhurst.edu. Please contact Professor Catherine Crawford at 630-617-3479 or at crawford@elmhurst.edu for more information or if you would like to give a talk.

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