Elmhurst College

Department of Mathematics &
Department of Physics
Seminar Series -- Fall 2008

Updated 10/28/08

Sept. 17 - BBQ in Wilder Park hosted by the Mathematics and Physics Departments.

*Sept. 24 - Dr. Venkatesh Gopal, Elmhurst College
"RSVP to Research - An Invitation to Explore the Physics of Biology"

Oct. 1 - Dr. Anatoly Libgober, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Braids and Algebraic Curves"

Oct. 8 - Dr. Louis H. Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Knots, Braids and Elementary Particles"

Oct. 15 - Dr. John Jeffrey, Elmhurst College
"Analyzing and Classifying Computational Problems"

*Oct. 22 - Michael Meaden, Elmhurst College
"An REU Experience"

Oct. 29 - No seminar talk this week

Nov. 5 - Dr. Abigail Hoit, Elmhurst College
"Niven Numbers - Covering All the Bases"

*Nov. 12 - Dr. Michael Keyton, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
"Even the Best Calculator Needs an Active Mind"

Nov. 19 - No seminar talk this week. (Career Night)
Career Night will be held at 7:00 pm in the Lucks Conference Room in North Hall.

Nov. 26 - No seminar talk this week (Thanksgiving).

Dec. 3 - Senior Paper Presentations - Note: This session will go from 3:30 - 5:00

All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Daniels Hall (formerly called the Computer Science and Technology Center) in Room 213, unless otherwise indicated. Talks marked with an * are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please contact Dr. Abigail Hoit at 630-617-3414 or at abigailh@elmhurst.edu for more information or if you would like to give a talk.

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