Elmhurst College

Department of Mathematics &
Department of Physics
Seminar Series - Fall 2006

Sept. 20 - Mathematics and Physics Departments' Fall BBQ in Wilder Park

Sept. 27 - Dr. Susanne Schmitz, Elmhurst College
"An Examination of Gender Differences in Occupational Distributions among Prime-aged Workers in the United States"

Oct. 4 - Dr. Jon Johnson, Elmhurst College
"Counting with squares and dominoes"

*Oct. 11 - Dave Beckman, Elmhurst College
"Metamathematics: Some History, Some Philosophy, and Kurt Gödel"

Oct. 18 - Dr. Marie Baehr, Elmhurst College
"The Monty Hall Problem"

Oct. 25 - MAA Video - "Challenge in the Classroom,"
R. L. Moore and the Moore Method

Nov. 1 - Career Night (7:00 pm - Melanchthon Room in Frick Center)

*Nov. 8 - Dr. Michael Keyton, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
"Triangle Centers"

Nov. 20 - NOTE: THESE ARE MONDAY EVENING ACCA talks at Lewis University by Peter Braunfeld, UI-UC,
"Some 'Neat' Problems in Elementary Probability" and
"The Magic of the Geometric Series: How to Find Areas without Calculus"

Nov. 22 - Thanksgiving (No Seminar)

Nov. 29 - Senior Paper Presentations

Dec. 6 - Senior Paper Presentations

All talks are on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Computer Science and Technology Center in Room 213, unless otherwise noted. Everyone is invited to a tea preceding the talks from 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the second floor lounge. Talks marked with an * are especially appropriate for a general audience. Please contact Prof. Jon Johnson at 630-617-3571 or at jonj@elmhurst.edu for more information or if you would like to give a talk.

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